Foilboard Silver Aluminium Joining Tape


Foilboard® Silver Aluminium Joining Tape is a designed for use when the Foilboard® sheets will remain exposed, for example inside a shed. The tape is colour matched to the silver side of the Foilboard® and adds to the life time performance guarantee.

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Foilboard Silver Insulation Tape

Foilboard® recommends taping of all joins to ensure maximum insulating performance. Still air is an insulator, reflected still air even more so. Sealing joins with Foilboard Silver Insulation Tape stops airflow from travelling from one side of the Foilboard® to the other and is crucial to the overall performance of the installation. Aluminium tape is used when Foilboard® is to be exposed. One roll of silver tape is 50mm wide and 50m in length. It may also serve as a sarking repair tape.

Silver Aluminium Joining Tape for when Foilboard is to be exposed

Foilboard Australia Pty Ltd manufactures a range of fixing accessories tailored to suit many construction applications. Whether it is for timber or steel frame construction, underfloor applications and even commercial systems, Foilboard® has the right fixings to suit all applications.

Method of Calculating Quantities of Foilboard

  • Measure Floor or Wall area.
  • Add 5% to area to allow for cutting and waste, deduct window and door openings.
  • If using 2.44m sheets divide the area by 2.93 to give the number of sheets required.
  • If using 2.70m sheets divide the area by 3.24 to give the number of sheets required.
  • Round up to the next full sheet.
  • Floor saddles should be on joists at approx 600mm centres and spaced at 200mm from sheet ends.
  • For retro-fits Foilboard should span across the underside of joists and between bearers using three Foilboard fasteners per joist. Joins do not need to be made on a joist and you should tape all joins.
  • Generally 1 bag of saddles is required for every 45-50m2 and 1 Role of Green Tape will be required for every 100m2. For retro-fits you will generally require 1 bag of Foilboard Fasteners and 1 roll of Green Tape for every 15-20 sheets, for Aluminium tape you will require one roll for every 10-12  sheets approx. Flexifastners should be used for all sheets 25mm or thicker and you will require 1 bag of 200 fastners for every 15-20 sheets. Or for sheets over 25mm in thickness you can order the plastic plates and supply your own fixing nails or screws. Spacers for brick work you will require 8-10 spacers per m2

Residential Wall

For example, an area of 130m2 (residential wall – timber/steel frame excluding windows) will require;

  • 45 sheets of Foilboard® Insulation Panel (2440mm x 1200mm, 2.93m2 per sheet)
  • 3 bags of fasteners (Standard or Ultra)
  • 3 Rolls of Green UV PVC Tape

Underfloor Area

For traditional underfloor applications using timber joists at 450mm centres (130m2);

  • 45 sheets of Foilboard® Insulation Panel (2440mm x 1200mm, 2.93m2 per sheet)
  • 3 bags of Foilboard® Floor Saddles
  • 3 Rolls of Green UV PVC Tape

Insulation Easy online store sells a wide range of thermal and acoustic insulation products. In addition to this, we also sell Kingspan Kooltherm®, Kingspan Air-Cell®, Mass Loaded Vinyl, Nuwrap Pipe Lagging Insulation, Foilboard Greend Rigid Panels, Fibertex Rock-wool, Autex GreenStuf, Knauf Earthwool, Fletchers Pink Batts and Bradford Gold Batts.

If you have any questions or require a special delivery quotation, don’t hesitate to Contact Us! You can also get a free obligation quote hereCheck out other insulation supplies in Insulation Easy.

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